• Completely rewritten in C++ using Metrowerks CodeWarrior and PowerPlant as a fat binary for native PowerPC performance,
• Support for multiple Play Lists with full drag and drop support, including drag conversion to the Finder,
• Improved Status window that contains more information and a progress indicator,
• Added support for the following formats:
 ◊ IMA 4:1 and µ-law in AIFF/AIFC, 'snd ' resources and QuickTime movies,
 ◊ IMA 4:1, µ-law and a-law in WAVE files,
 ◊ MPEG audio layers I and II on PowerPC computers, and
 ◊ ScreamTracker 3 (S3M) files using the ZSS driver.
• Conversion of QuickTime movies without an intermediate file,
• Conversion options to force mono/stereo and 8-/16-bit output and to “DOSify” output filenames,
• Revamped Preferences dialog,
• Enhanced AppleScript support for playback and conversion,
• Rewrote the Help text, and
• Created a better-looking application icon.
2.0.1, April 26, 1996.
• Fixed a problem with the playback of mono IMA WAVE files,
• Fixed a problem which may crash due to a bug in the Apple’s Sound Manager header,
• Fixed a problem playing very short files using double buffering.
2.0.2, April 29, 1996.
• Corrected build problem which caused 2.0.1 to crash frequently.
2.0.3, June 11, 1996.
• Corrected a length problem with some odd WAVE files,
• Uses the “applFont” instead of “geneva” to permit localization,
• Dragging a file onto the SoundApp icon with a Play List open no longer adds the file to the list,
• SoundApp now maintains looping and base note information when converting between AIFF and 'snd ' resources, including System 7 sound files,
• MPEG playback now no longer causes jerky mouse movement,
• Mono MPEG files now play at the proper speed,
• Closing the Status window via AppleScript no longer crashes.
2.1, July 10, 1996.
• Added support for the following formats:
 ◊ MIDI (type 0, 1 and karaoke) files using the AMP drivers and
 ◊ GSM-compressed WAVEs and raw GSM (“.au.gsm”) files.
• Incorporated new ZSS drivers,
• Files passed to open/play/convert via AppleScript can now be specified as strings,
• Added Name/Type column headers to Play List windows, implemented title click sorting like the Finder and added Sort sub-menu (sorting method is saved in Play List files and dragging items into a sorted list maintains sort order),
• Can now pause playback using the spacebar,
• Added “;”-key for stopping after the file that is currently being processed,
• Added floating button bar and a menu item to show and hide it,
• Play Lists now support continuous shift-selection with scrolling,
• The DOSify preference now allows underscores in the converted filenames,
• Fixed a bug which crashed after sending an quit AppleEvent while playing,
• Fixed a bug which would insert a very short click at the beginning of a WAVE output file,
• Fixed a bug while converting MPEG files with an internal CRC check which caused the conversion to fail,
• No longer write non-standard AIFF headers when converting,
• Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when two MOD files are played one after the other using the ZSS drivers,
• Removed some math calls which would prevent SoundApp from running with some old versions of MathLib on Power Macs.
2.1.1, July 12, 1996.
• Corrected playback problem on 68K Macs.
2.2, December 3, 1996.
• Added a new Convert menu to group all the convert output options, added the capability to save conversion preferences as a named configuration, added an editor for saved sets, and removed all output format related options from the Convert preferences pane,
• Added Sound Designer and direct QuickTime output formats,
• Added support for MACE-3 and MACE-6 compression in SoundEdit files,
• Added support for AIFF and 'snd ' files explicitly encoded with the 'twos' and 'raw ' codecs,
• Re-wrote the MIDI code from scratch and added OMS support and a new MIDI Preferences pane,
• Included new ZSS drivers with MTM support,
• Added Script menu which lists the scripts in a “Script Menu Items” folder,
• The volume preference is now relative to the system volume, thus will have no effect on other applications’ volume, and can now go from 10% to 150%,
• Fixed sample rate specification with AIFF files due to an incompatibility with CodeWarrior and extended floating point numbers,
• Fixed a bug which could cause a hang while playing MED/OctaMED files with the ZSS driver set as preferred,
• Fixed a problem which caused some files to be left open when dragged to the Play List,
• Now properly calculates the length of MPEG Layer I files,
• Removed two-byte click at the beginning of converted System 7 sound files,
• Added Info window to provide more information on a sound file,
• Added extensive AppleScript support,
• Added a “SoundApp Home Page” to the Help menu if Internet Config is installed,
• Conversion of suitcases or MOD files now places the sounds in a sub-folder,
• ADPCM file playback is now no longer affected by the “Play a/µ-law as 8-Bit” or the “Convert a/µ-law as 8-Bit” preference,
• Upgraded to CodeWarrior 10.
2.2.1, December 5, 1996.
• Corrected a problem upgrading the preferences file from 2.1.1 to 2.2, which would result in a corrupted file. If you used version 2.2, you’ll need to reset your preferences.
2.2.2, December 12, 1996.
• Conversion downsampling from 44.1 or 48 kHz to a lower rate (e.g., 32 kHz) no longer produces slight clicks,
• Playback of MIDI files using OMS now uses the proper selected device,
• Work around a bug in QuickTime 2.1 which prevented many MIDI files from playing,
• Fixed a bug which prevented MOD conversion on 680x0 Macs,
• Fixed a bug which wouldn’t generate very random shuffled Play Lists.